Ted's RPG Rant

A place to rant about RPG games, particularly the Temple of Elemental Evil. Co8 members get a free cookie for stopping by. Thats ONE cookie each, no seconds.

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Co8 down

Crikey! Its been 7 months since I posted here! %^/

I just wanted to let people know that at the moment (9/4/9 here in Oz - the evening of 8/4/9 at the back of the planet) Co8 appears to be down: so if you dropped by here wondering whats going on, know that you are not alone and I haven't heard whats up via email.

Otherwise KotB chugs along, and Yvy is due to give birth next week :)


At 12:50 pm, Blogger Hrafn Skald said...

How odd...page seems to be working fine on my end.

By the way-I love your Desperate Housewives mod...any chance of it becoming compatible with 5.5.0? Also, Kudos on the KotB work.


At 10:45 am, Blogger ShiningTed said...

Desperate Housewives will indeed return, but not for a while (not before Co8 5.5 comes out of beta).

And yeah, the site is working now :) It may well ahve been something at this end.


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